BUD INDUSTRIES non-ventilated "Econom- izer" cabinet rack. 16- gauge steel top and bottom. 19" panel space. Order door and accessories seperately. Royal Blue
BUD INDUSTRIES non-ventilated "Econom- izer" cabinet rack. 16- gauge steel top and bottom. 19" panel space. Order door and accessories seperately. Royal Blue
BUD INDUSTRIES non-ventilated "Econom- izer" cabinet rack. 16- gauge steel top and bottom. 19" panel space. Order door and accessories seperately. Royal Blue
We Repair several manufacturers such as Cambium Networks, Ubiquiti, DragonWave, Mimosa, Ceragon, Mikrotik, Netonix, Baicells, Telrad, Radwin, Siklu and many more!!
We have a full in-house staff of certified and trained engineers ready to repair your non-working equipment.
BUD INDUSTRIES "Economizer" ventilated low cost cabinet rack. 16-gauge steel top and bottom. 19" panel widths, 47.31" door, 42" inside space. Royal blue color